Joshua is really into Super Heros lately. His favorites are Batman, Super Why, and Hercules. He likes to dress up like these super heros and fly around the house. His Grandma C bought his Halloween costume a few weeks ago and the other day he told me that he wanted it to be Halloween so that he could wear his costume. I told him that we could pretend it was Halloween and that he could dress up. He put on his costume, but it didn't have a cape. He told me that in order to fly a super hero needs a cape, so we pinned one on. Them he told me that he was Batman. Later he said that he was done being Batman and that he was going to be Super Why. His other favorite super hero is Hercules. He made up his costume for this one. He went and found a headband in with my hair stuff and put it on, then he asked for a cape and his sandals, which he calls "Hercules shoes". After having a home-made costume for Hercules, he was really excited when Grandma bought him a real live super hero costume.